UGS Inter Branch Working Test Final on the 27th June 2015 at Butcherlands, Balls Cross, near Petworth, West Sussex by kind permission of Ivan Wadey

Judges: Dave England, Ken Green, David Breach and Sue Searle


1stHBBKen Byron with Ardexis Tom of Copperwheat
Jim Collins with Brockaghs Cathal
Mark Polley with Faircotelabs Moss
Andy Wiles with Hatchfield Loki of Lostal
2ndS,WS&HMick Higgs with Gold Silver Ann of Higgscroft
Gay Marshall with Sandicliffe Frankie of Theale Farm
Beth Rayner with Woodlandway Quail
Nikki Stranks with Woodlandway Skylark
3rdK&ESChristine Baldwin with Tayfordwoods Dailuaine
(Winner of The Tilly Trophy awarded to the “Dog the judges would most like to take home”)
James Barwell with Tawnyway Black Jack
Tracy Flood with Brockweir Barley
Karen Wiles with Shadybugs Desert Knight of Lostal
4thECBrian Chesser with Gunnerheath Amethyst
Liz Ingram with Garrethall Myrhh
Sam Morley Jones with Hathaway Harrier of Rushbrigg
Andrew Wright with Overtharts Berwick


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