UGS HBB held a Novice and Special Puppy Working Test on Sunday 10th April at Easneye Estate, Ware by kind permission of The Buxton Family.
Judges: Rodger Ketley, Mark Polley, Sue Berman and Charlotte Wilkinson.
We were very kindly sponsored by Skinner’s Field and Trial and Sporting Saint. A big thank you to the landowner, judges and helpers for all your hard work and for a great day.
The HBB branch has released its field trial schedule. This year entries for HBB trials will move from FTMS to the HBB Total Club Management System website.
Gill Sweeting, Sam Butchers, Jes Milton represented UGS Kent & East Sussex in the Southern Interclub team Challenge which was hosted by UGS Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire and held at the Isenhurst Estate. 16 Read more…
We ran 4 tests; Special Puppy, Veteran, ND/NH and also a Young Handler at Haxted Farm by kind permission of Robert David Spratt. We ran the same tests for each of the 4 classes with Read more…
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