Utility Gundog Society, Kent & East Sussex held their qualifier for the UGS interbranch finals at Haxted Farm by kind permission of David Spratt. The weather gods were on our side today and we had a lovely sunny, albeit a tad windy, day. However, the ground was still not dry enough to be driven on so elevensies were delivered by tractor! We ran 4 tests which gave us a range of scores across the board and a run off for 1st Place.
Thanks must go to our judges, Roger Wade, Diana Stevens, Paula Graystone and Jennifer Thomas who rattled through the tests quickly enabling us to be done and dusted by early afternoon and also to our wonderful helpers who, as we all know, are a crucial element to any working test.
After a very close run off the results were:-
1st – Beetle of Buckmots handled by Penny Morris
2nd – Abbotsann Firefly handled by John Scott
3rd – Kerrabrah Nelly handled by Jan Abrahams
4th – Blue Mist of Hillside -handled by Nick Patsias
Com – Holmside Goose at Sunshimmer handled by Jennie Knight
Com – Jenberry Mystery Heritage handled by Vicki Ruston
Good luck to the team who will represent UGS K&ES at Hintelsham on 15th June