Results of the Special Puppy, Novice and Veteran gundog working tests held on the 14th August 2021 at Town House Farm Hadliegh by kind permission of Cliff and Julie Clackson and sponsored by Skinners and Dog and Field.

Judges: Mr Roger Ketley, Mr Kevin Doughty, Mr Arthur Cook and Mr Doug Laflin

Special Puppy
1st Pinfeathers Excalibur, Cullum Raywood
2nd Atikonak Bullrush, Anthony Peters
3rd Snipe Sister, Paul Buckenham
4th Little Plover, Julia Reed

1st Windward Wagtail, Richard Blanch
2nd Diglake Karusa of Rowansbourne, Alan Ward
3rd Troaclis Tillie. Carol Ford
4th Garrethall Toddy, Aaron Wright (Best Looking Dog in the Awards)

1st Riverlily Angel of Sunshine, Abbie Reid
2nd Surprise is Golden, Andy Ince
3rd Garrethall Rebecca, Liz Ingram