Results for the HBBs first trial of the season, an All Age stake held at Cuffley on the 6th September.

2nd – Jim Collins with FtCh Brockaghs Forba
3rd and gun’s choice – Keith Townsend with Elmertown If I May
4th – Jason Mayhew with Berryshot Wigeon
COM – Michael Tallamy with Brindlebay Brigands
Our gratitude goes to our judges: Glynis Hillier, Mark Polley, Hayley Drew and Adam Holmes
Our helpers: Alistair Todd, Len Herbert, Louise Bailey, Jeanette Martin, Tammy White and Ken Byron.
The land owner from Brookfarm in Cuffley: David Thomas The keeper Dan Serduik
All the guns who shot so well. And everyone else involved!
Photos by Ray Hood.