In memory of Peter Johnson, who left us a legacy, the UGS Eastern Counties branch are running a judging weekend on the 20th and 21st August.
The Saturday will be a practical day “in the field” at Hintlesham by kind permission of Kevin Doughty and will be a “scenario” based day giving “trainees” the chance to experience “sending”, “decision making” and “assessing” a number of usual and unusual situations that may occur when judging.
The day is aimed primarily at non panel judges (but panel judges will be welcome to attend), especially those about to start their judging career. This day will be overseen by seven experienced A panel “educator” judges, Kevin Doughty, Steve Polley, Phil Askew, Sara Gadd, Mike Tallamy, Rodger Ketley and Phil Highfield.
The Sunday will be a presentation and examination of the J Regs by Kevin Doughty and will be held at Woolpit Village Hall at a cost of £30. Applicants can choose to do one or the other or both. There will be spaces for 36 trainee judges on the practical day at a reduced cost of £20. Current members of Eastern Counties Branch will have preference.
We will also need 16 dogs and handlers of a good standard (at least open WT award winners) that are able to “hunt” their dogs in a specified area. DogsHandlers will be free of charge but will be able to listen in on the discussions but without input.
Please contact me, by email on if you are interested. Help on the day would be appreciated especially if you’re a good dummy thrower!!