16 Dog Novice Stake for Any Variety Retrievers on the 16th January 2018 at Perry Green Farm, Bradwell, Essex by kind permission of Mr R. Speakman and Mr. T Speakman

Judges: Mr Kevin Doughty (A32), Mr Roger Wade (B1704), Mrs Jo Rollinson (NP), Mr Doug Laflin (NP)

Trophies: Winner – The Jason Memorial Trophy, Second – The Geoff Hicks Memorial Trophy, Gun’s Choice – The Raynton Park Trophy

Our first novice trial of the season was at Perry Green Farm, Bradwell, Essex on the 16th January 2018. Our hosts for the day were Robert & Tom Speakman and family. Pre-trial introductions were made in a very cold and windy farmyard and Tom outlined what was planned for the day. Our judges for the day were Kevin Doughty, Roger Wade, Jo Rollinson and Doug Laflin and after a short journey aboard the trailer we arrived at the first drive.

Guns were lined out in a sheltered bowl facing a tree-lined bank with the shot birds dropping into scrub and rough grassland. Unfortunately, we lost three dogs that run in during the drive, one of whom on a Hare that just happened to amble past the line. The team of guns were shooting well and by the end of the drive we had enough birds down to complete three rounds and get part way through a forth. With just four dogs left in the trial we boarded the trailer and joined the guns for another drive on a very windy field of winter wheat. Again with plenty of birds down, the judges brought the remaining dog up to five retrieves and set about giving each a sixth retrieve. Unfortunately, this was the downfall of three of the four, which failed for different reasons, leaving just one dog in the awards.

2ndHighroost MaverickMick Higg
Guns ChoiceKinagar Dolly of ElmertownAngie Townsend


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