
Spaniel Working Test and Field Trial SecretaryJames Reavil

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2019/04/21 – Novice and Open AV Spaniel Working Test

Novice and Open AV Spaniel Working Test on 21th April 2019 at Cavenham, Lackford Estates by kind permission of Robert Gough and Wayne Alford

Judges: Steve Lewis (B3140) Richard Bunyan (NP)
Novice from 9am, Open from 12.00pm.

Novice Results

1stMoonreed Solo of HighseaKevin Doughty
2ndPurlodge Hot Love HollyRay Clark
3rdPurlodge Spicey BayRay Clark
CoMCraigscourt Explorer of WrenmarshMark Watson
CoMRomanriver GladiatorStephen Atkins

2019/01/21 – 16 Dog Novice AV Spaniel Stake

16 Dog Novice AV Spaniel Stake 21st January 2019 at Shotesham Park, Shotesham St Mary, Norfolk by kind permission of the Bailey family and Headkeeper Mr Mark Watson

Judges: Peter Avery (A2404) Brian Sadler (B3028) Ray Clark (NP3842) Steve Newman (NP3771)

The first of the Utility Gundog Soceity’s 2 novice trials the AV held yesterday at Shotesham Park, Nr Norwich bkpo of the Bailey family and headkeeper Mark Watson. Judges for the day, Peter Avery, Bonny Sadler, Ray Clark and Steve Newman. 15 dogs ran in this stake, 3 Cockers, 11 Springers and a Clumber. Again we were generously sponsored by Nossewej and Dog and Field.

It is fair to say that the Woodland at Shotesham is testing in places, but mostly it is light bramble with some reeds and rushes near the river. There were plenty of Pheasants about but unusually they were flushing in twos and threes rather than singularly and surprisingly we only saw a couple of Woodcock, whereas two weeks ago when I was beating we saw a dozen or more…. The Judges gave every dog the chance to shine and there were some very nice dogs run by some serious trailers. Speaking to Peter and Bonny afterwards they said they really had to nit pick amongst the first 4 dogs to come up with a winner.

Thanks to all that helped out, carried game, stops, beaters, Keeper Mark, under Keeper William Beckerleg, Mark Doyle, Peter Dobby and his lovely Golden Retriever who picked up for us. The Judges and Guns: Nigel Reed, David Standing, Brian Chesser, and Phil Askew.


1stBelvden TrottMark Clifford
2ndWhiznic Waterwynch of HowskyeJames Luxford
3rdStickhouse MaverickOwen Russell
4thShiveck Time TwiddlerTerri Siwek
CoMBelvden Hinch of JulzcrackersJulie Cracknell
CoMRomanriver ApolloAndy Waterhouse
CoMBrindcarlyn BoldowinMike Reader

2018/12/12 – 16 Dog Open Qualifying Cocker Spaniel Stake

16 Dog Open Qualifying Cocker Spaniel Stake on 12th December 2018 at Cuffley Shoot, Hertfordshire by kind permission of Mr Dave Thomas

Judges: Andrew Robinson (A1445), Victoria Williams (B3552)

We held our Open Cocker on 12th December 2018 at Brook Farm, Cuffley bkpo of Dave Thomas and the brilliant Keeper Martin. Judges Andy Robinson and Alan Hopkins-Young. A cold, bright day with quite a biting wind, the birds flew well testing the guns in this lovely bramble/bracken woodland. Mostly Pheasants shot with a couple of hares for this field of very good open (and a couple of novice) Cockers.

Again this open Cocker stake was particularly difficult to fill with nine pulling out on Sunday and Monday, by then I had no reserves and again had to resort to facebook. I am finding this increasingly frustrating, especially when the dogs are pulled out for no good reason. Thank you to all those that rallied round to fill the stake for me, a lot are good friends, one of the guns even pulling out of shooting and finding a replacement gun to run his novice dog, his kindness paid off and he got a ticket in his first open stake, well done Richard Bunyan.

Thanks also go to my helpers, Amanda Sherriff, Abbie Reid, Mark Doyle and Len Herbert, Charlotte Webb (cake Lady!) and John Keegan for getting me the guns and putting me up the night before and cooking me supper! Dog and Field and Nossewej for sponsoring us. The Guns, the Judges and all the stops and beaters that made it possible.


1stRugeleys PeregrineLiam Mulcrow (Handler Andy Bennett)
2ndTimsgarry AlpineJohn Robertson
3rdSamsirs EavaAndy Waterhouse
4thMurrayden MuseMartin Deacon
CoMToadspannel Foxey at NorthglenStewart North
CoMGelert Atlas of PigeonwickRichard Bunyan
CoMZamyendor NutmegRod Chapple
CoMPriorheath Boss HoggJason Croft
CoMGlenugies ProspectJason Waldron

2018/12/10 – 16 Dog Open Qualifying AV (exc Cockers) Spaniel Stake

16 Dog Open Qualifying AV (exc Cockers) Spaniel Stake on 10th December 2018 at Fallow Hall, St Oysth, Essex by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Edwand Greig

Judges: Nick Gregory (A3007), Aubrey Ladyman (B2775)

We held our first trial of the season on 10th December 2018 an Open qualifying AV (exc. Cockers) Stake at Fallow Hall bkpo of Rose and Eddie Greig, shot extremely well by Wayne Greig, David Standing, Gerry Meehan and Richard Bunyan. Judged very ably by Nick Gregory and Aubrey Ladyman. We were very kindly sponsored by Nossewej and Dog & Field. All finished by 12.30, which was lovely, all dogs had a good chance to shine, Pheasant, Woodcock and one lone Partridge were shot. We are always made very welcome by Rose and Eddie, Rose making tea and coffee for everyone at the start and finish of the trial.


1stFTCH Willowsaul JokerAndy Waterhouse
2ndCornermarsh Har Gill LassLee Cooper
3rdAutumnwillow Andrina of JulzcrackersJulie Cracknell
4thEdwardiana RiotLinden Jones
CoMNossewej Lost my MarblesSteve Newman

2018/04/29 – Novice and Open AV Spaniel Working Test

Novice and Open AV Spaniel Working Test on 29th April 2018 at Cavenham/Lackford Estates by kind permission of Robert Gough and Wayne Alford

Judges: Panel Judge TBC, Paul Seaman (NP)

Novice in the morning, Open from 12.00pm for 1pm start.

Novice Results

1stSliabh AndyTony Beckett
2ndLonging TealSue Musselwhite
3rdWateravens GrebeMark Stephens
4thBoundarymoor EstherAndy Lack
CoMTippasheath SapphirePaul Rogers
CoMPurlodge Waterloo WillowRay Clark
CoMBreckmarsh DesmaShirley Stephens

Open Results

1stBonnimore Eddie of HighseasKevin Doughty
2ndShiveck Moonlight PrincessDave Cobb
3rdNossewej Loveable RogueBob Goodspeed
4thTimsgarry Red GrouseBrenda Atkins

2018/01/22 – 16 Dog Novice AV Spaniel Stake

16 Dog Novice AV Spaniel Stake on 22nd January 2018 at Shotesham Park, Shotesham St Mary, Norfolk by kind permission of Bailey family and Headkeeper Mr Mark Watson

Judges: Mark Clifford (A2423), Andy Waterhouse (B3543), Lesley Young (NP), Alex Hayes (NP)

The Utility Gundog Society Spaniels held a 16 dog Novice AV Spaniel Stake at Shotesham Park, Nr Norwich on 22nd January 2018 by very kind permission of the Bailey family. Judged by Mark Clifford, Andy Waterhouse, Alex Hayes and Lesley Young. 14 springers and 2 cockers competed in bramble and water meadow on this beautiful Estate in Norfolk. We were delighted to be invited to this ground, the first time a Spaniel Trial has been held here. Guns, Nigel Reed, Phil Askew, Richard Beckerleg and Brian Chesser (shooting his first Spaniel Trial) shot extremely well to produce Pheasant, Hare, Rabbit, Partridge and Pigeon for, what was, a very good field of novice dogs. The Head Keeper Mark Watson, Under Keeper William Beckerleg and his team of beaters and stops worked really hard to keep the game flowing, they did an amazing job. It was a pleasure to have Ed Bailey in the line all morning watching the dogs, he now knows what his Keeper does in his spare time!!!

Thank you to all that helped too, without those who give up their time to come along and game carry, steward etc where would Club’s be?? Thank you to Sporting Saint and Kronch for their continued sponsorship. The biggest pat on the back must go to Mark Watson, thank you for all your hard work in making this a truly fabulous trial.

This is the last UGS Spaniel Trial of the season and I must say to all my Estate/Shoot owners that they have been amazing. We have had 5 great trials on the most extraordinary grounds, 3 of which were new to the Society this season. There has been some great dog work and some not so… The Guns have been brilliant giving up their time and paying to shoot for the dogs!! The Judges have all been fair and helpful and the band of helpers that I have had this year have made my life very much easier. It’s mostly a thankless task being a Field Trial Secretary, but this year has been great and I have enjoyed every trial.


1stBeechesblaze PapinaMark Light
2ndPriorheath Boss Hogg
Gun’s Choice
Jason Croft
3rdQuarrymoor SkybreezeRod Chapple
4thGeordieland TsarJohn Keegan
CoMBonniemore FloraBonny Sadler
CoMSurefly EleanorMike Reader
CoMLaysan Han SoloOwen Russell
1 2 3 4 5 6 7